Brain Gym Random 3 (mh For Mac
Brain Gym® Courses Here is a list of upcoming approved courses that count towards licensure and/or re-licensure. All licensed instructors are independent contractors and therefore handle their own course registration process including fees, schedules, and locations. A sponsor is also an independent contractor and is someone who hires an instructor to come and teach a course for them.
Brain Gym Random 3 (mh For Mac)
Brain Gym Random 3 (mh For Mac
Please contact the instructor or sponsor directly for more information. Brain Gym® International (BGI) licenses instructors to use the work in a responsible and ethical manner. While BGI can influence the course content, it cannot control the business decisions independent contractors make. Search for courses using any combination of fields. Level: Course: Instructor: Country: State/Province: Dates:.Course prices vary by instructor and location. Please contact sponsor for current price.Pilot courses can be taken for re-licensure only and are identified in parenthesis as (.P.).Other classes may count towards the requirements listed. For more information please contact the foundation.Of the 96 elective credits required for licensure, up to 16 credits may come from specialty courses 1-99, which adapt the Brain Gym work.