Lost 5 Years Worth Of Data From My 2007 Quicken For Mac

Posted on  by admin

I've mentioned several times that I use Quicken to manage my personal finances and have done so for years. In fact, I now have almost 15 years of data in my Quicken file - quite a good amount of past history to refer back on if need be. I know I only use a fraction of what Quicken can do and that's fine by me - I use what I need and let the rest fall by the wayside (FYI, I get a new copy of the software each year courtesy of the people at Quicken - thank you again - so I don't feel like I'm 'wasting' money on something that I don't use completely. But even if I didn't get a free copy, I'd buy a new one every few years just to keep my version up-to-date.) Anyway, I thought I'd tell you what I like about the software and what features I like the most. Here goes:.

It tracks all my expenses. Cash payments, credit card charges, and checks written - all go into Quicken. This then allows me to look back on what I'm spending now versus what I spent in the past and make adjustments if needed. In addition, it's a lifesaver when it comes tax time since all my info is in one place. It tracks my investments. I enter in all the purchases, reinvestments, etc. Into Quicken and use it to update the value of my portfolio automatically once a month.

It tracks everything and makes it easy to see where I am and how my investments are doing. Again, it also helps greatly at tax time since it records my gains or losses when I do sell an investment. It tracks my net worth.

This is the key measure I look at every time I log on to Quicken (it's on the left-hand side of my main page). Quicken makes it very easy to see how I'm doing in managing my finances by keeping this metric front and center. It has tons of charts/graphs/data that allows me to slice and dice the information in really useful ways. In particular, I look at the net worth and spending reports once a month to see how I'm doing on these measures and list and steps I need to take to make adjustment. Again, Quicken makes doing this very easy. You might think that all of this takes quite a lot of time, but it doesn't. I probably spend an hour and a half twice a month (three hours a month in total) doing what I've outlined above - and this accounts for about 80% of all the time spent on managing my finances (the rest is spent on paying bills, thinking through plans, etc.) But the truth is, most of my finances are on auto-pilot (set to automatically move from my checking account to various accounts each month after my work check is deposited) so I don't need to spend a lot of time or money on managing them.

How about you? What's your favorite financial planning software? Any other Quicken users out there? I use a Microsoft Excel sheet to keep track of our budget and expenses. It takes about 20 minutes a week to type in every single expense into the correct category. I simply pull up my credit card statement every week or two and enter in those charges to my sheet. I also look up and type in what was debited from my bank accounts since not all of my utilities take credit.

Lastly, I update how much cash we withdrew since I do not keep up with exactly what that cash is used for (it's only about $200 a month and gets used mainly by my husband and small cash expenses like parking.it's easier just to consider it 'Cash'). Once a month I transfer money into all savings accounts that we budget for (Main Savings, Taxes and Insurance, Home and Auto, Roth IRA, and Vacation).

If there is any money leftover after everything else has been handled, it gets split 50/50 between our Main Savings and Vacation accounts.this hasn't happened since my husband started graduate school.I miss it. Anyway, I love this system for the same reasons FMF mentioned loving Quicken. I have our last 5 years of expenses at my fingertips and can easily see how we are doing at any time. My husband appreciates having a written record too since his memory is like Swiss cheese.

Posted by: Crystal. I'm a quicken user too. Don't know if I like it or not as it's all I've ever used. I've been looking at a few other options (mvelopes & YNAB) lately as I really think they would help more from a budgeting standpoint. That's where we need help; just have to get the spouse to realize the hole we're in and agree to start changing behaviors so we can get out (sigh). Quicken seems easy enough though, I think that I may just like seeing what is left for each category instead of seeing that we overspent after the fact. Of course it could just be that the grass is greener on the other side.

Posted by: Aaron. I've been using Quicken since my wife and I got married.

However, after a few months we started using You Need A Budget to manage our budget as we realized the shortcomings of Quicken when it comes to actually budgeting your money. Now that YNAB 3 has come out and can track our net worth, I might just abandon Quicken altogether, however I'm not sure yet since I really like the one step update. We probably have 10 or so different accounts (banking and investments) all told and I really don't have a desire to go download each one individually. My Quicken file began 16 years ago as a 5.25' floppy disk on an IBM/XT machine to celebrate the occasion of combining finances with my fiancee. It has now grown to 38 megs in size and is the one file I genuinely fear losing and that I religiously back up. I enter every transaction I can-which usually means leaving out a few small cash transactions I've forgotten, which typically amount to a 'write-off' entry of about $100/year. So you can probably tell I take this very seriously.

I absolutely acknowledge it's borderline obsessive-compulsive behavior. But for me, Quicken serves as not only a financial tool, but as a diary of nearly everything I've done over the last 16 years. So long as it cost me something, I know the name of every business I've ever patronized. It helps fill in the gaps when we try to recall what we did on that vacation to San Francisco ten years ago. I can easily find when and where a major purchase was made in case a warranty issue arises.

I know to the penny how much it cost to adopt a child internationally, so I can share this information when counseling other families looking to do the same in working out their own budgets. I can review my wedding expenses and tell my cousin who's planning his own wedding. 'Did you figure in the cost of gifts for your bridal party? Well, how about this.and this?' For days when I'm in a curious mood, I can see how the cost of a tankful of gas has fluctuated over weekly fillups over 15 years as no impersonal, generic infographic in USA Today can. I can see expenses for my children progress from baby superstores and a nanny to ballet and soccer classes and braces. I look at what I tipped our housekeeper at the holidays last year and the year before in order to gauge what to give her this year.

I can once again see the generosity of my parents and in-laws when we bought our first home and faced other major financial milestones-which helps reinforce the need to be more patient with them and appreciative for what they've done as they age not-so-gracefully. You reap what you sow. Perhaps most importantly, it provides my wife-who has happily delegated all household bookkeeping to me over the last 16 years-a roadmap for what to do in case I'm no longer around to do it.

Information for each account is in one consolidated package-account number, online usernames/passwords, points-of-contact, etc. My best friend is an attorney and I send him the file monthly, in case something should happen to both of us. I realize some see this as nothing more than a software package.

To me, it's the ultimate tool to take full responsibility for my finances and transition them to others if necessary. Posted by: MelMoitzen. For a while, it was my nightly ritual to download my transactions, or if I didn't have any I would generate a report that I might want to use later. I was obsessed with tracking every single penny, doing splits on my grocery receipts to track how much I was spending on milk, etc. Lately I've been putting it on cruise control and checking in weekly. I've got it all dialed in the way I like it, so it's essentially effortless to maintain my financial life. The budgeting tool does suck, but I have a separate system for that.

And I hate that they discontinue support for every version every 3 years. Switching versions always makes me nervous. Really shakes me out of cruise mode. Posted by: Ross.

I've used Quicken to keep track of bank accounts for a long time but am switching to Excel in 2010. Like some of the other commenters, I've done my budgets in Excel because Q's budgeting feature leaves something to be desired. Switching from the PC to the Mac meant I had to convert all my.qdf data to.qdfm. It doesn't convert back readily. This limits portability - if your Mac crashes and you need to switch to a cheaper Windows-compatible machine, then you lose.

So that's a pain, in addition to the fact that making the switch loses all your brokerage accounts. A more consistent and predictable pain, however, is Intuit's insistence that you keep upgrading to new and ever-more-bloated versions.and the dirty trick the company plays on consumers who are happy with what they have and don't want to upgrade.

If you delay upgrading a couple of years, the newer version is apt to refuse to read your data. Most of Quicken's bells and whistles - such as the loan calculator - can be had online. My credit union is not read by Quicken's online banking function, and besides, I don't need Quicken to do my banking online. Excel is compatible across platforms and can be made to track and reconcile banks accounts.

So.why pony up the cash for an extra program? If you don't want to use MS Office, GoogleDocs has a spreadsheet that does the same thing.

What are People Saying About Moneydance? In the Press 'Moneydance 2007 is a viable and worthwhile alternative to Quicken' - (4 out of 5 mice!) 'Moneydance 2007 has a lot going for it: Online banking and bill paying are as automatic as they can be, investment information can be imported easily, budgets can be made and tracked, checks can be written and printed, and the list goes on. To top it off, Moneydance has numerous extensions that bring even more functionality to bare, including stock price updaters, debt payoff calculators, and more.

As mentioned previously, Moneydance is the only software that works on Windows, Mac, and the Linux operating system.' - 'Moneydance is easy to set up, and packed full of features. It's easy to stay connected to all of your online banking details, including not only your checking and savings account information, but also your investment accounts. Plenty of helpful features and useful graphs, online updates make future use a breeze.' 4 star rating!

- 'Honestly, I was stunned that it was so easy.' - Moneydance 2005 ($30, www.moneydance.com) is a much more solid contender. This program manages to replicate much of Quicken's functionality - but in some cases a bit more elegantly.'

-Challenging the Finance Software Giants 'The online banking type of person will love Moneydance. It was the first one I reviewed, and it's the one I'll be sticking with.

The functionality and usefulness of it is just awesome.' - Customer Comments 'Moneydance is everything I need in a finance management application. It has all the good stuff I like from Money and it is much easier to use than Quicken or Cha-Ching.' - 'Moneydance 2008 is clearly the winner here' - 'If you use OS X or Linux and are looking for a reliable and easy-to-use accounting program, I heartily recommend Moneydance.' - 'Since I found Moneydance, I've kept better track of my finances and have actually found myself ENJOYING it.:)' - Jeff Stuart 'Better than Quicken and it works on any operating system. What more could you ask for? ' - Frank Arcari 'I continue to absolutely love this program.

Being able to run on NetBSD saved me from dire problems. The interface, on the whole, is just a lot friendlier and more flexible than Quicken's' - Peeter Seebach 'Easy to use, works on all my different computers, handles all my finances smoothly.' Zarra, Colorado USA 'I really appreciate all the time, effort, and patience you've put into helping me get this straightened out. Moneydance is a great product, and you provide great support. Finding great products these days is getting harder and harder, but finding great support is next to impossible.' - Terry Allen 'I have checked out many personal finance software packages, have used MS Money and Quicken and finally choose Moneydance.

It's extremely easy to use and works whether I feel like using Linux or Windows.' - Rob Williams 'I've been a linux user for 5 years. However, even though I could replace all my other software with some linux equivalent, I was stuck this Quicken because I had grown accustomed to online bill payment. Until Moneydance, there was no alternative. Therefore, I always had to maintain a Windows PC to do my banking.

Moneydance gave me the ability to do online banking and manage my finances directly on linux. No more switching to Windows to do my banking. It saves me the cost of upgrading Quicken, it saves me the cost of Windows, and it just makes my life easier. I no longer need Windows for anything. I'd recommend Moneydance to anyone. But for linux users who are still maintaining a copy of Windows just for quicken, this is the product you've been waiting for.'

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- Jerry Theisen, USA 'I've been using Moneydance since release 2, maybe earlier. In any case, for the years that I've been using it, I've never lost data, I've never found ads in the program, runs faster and more reliably than Quicken, easy to understand, support has always been there and is even better now, with feature requests attended to almost on a same day basis.Great, solid program, performs as advertised, constantly improving.'

Lost 5 Years Worth Of Data From My 2007 Quicken For Mac

- Bob Crochelt, Alaska USA 'Been looking around for a Money app for Mac OS X for a while now and to my surprise you guys are beating the 'big boys' hands down.' - Andy Brough 'I LOVE it nice and clean the way it is!!!!!!' - Don Metzger 'Thanks for the wonderful application. It is so nice not to have to use Quicken!;-)' - Randy Kelsoe 'An absolutely wonderful application!

I recently switched to Linux and tried GnuCash, which completely mangled my QIF import from MS Money 97 (it reported my checking account balance as -$198,000!). MoneyDance handled it (almost) perfectly.' - Bryan C Dunne 'Moneydance is not merely the lesser of evils, for I'd use Moneydance regardless of whether or not I was turned off by Quicken & Money. It stands on its own merits.

But what's just as appealing as Moneydance itself, is what's conspicuously missing from Moneydance: no links to sponsors that can't be hidden from view, no (intractable) ads permanently embedded in Moneydance's icons, banners, and buttons. No corporate logos, i.e. 'QUICKEN MASTERCARD' in nice bright red letters, that otherwise have no practical function. When all I want to do is balance my bank account or pay a utility bill I don't want to be nagged to open a brokerage account or buy this service or that product - without ever leaving the program!

(For crying out loud, it's not like I'm up for grabs on the Internet!!) The EYESORE FACTOR ALONE makes these programs even busier looking than their rat's nest interfaces already are, enough for me to switch without even taking into account their other flaws. So then, when I said your software has a respectful & elegant interface, I meant it! Thanks yet again for an enjoyable user experience, and for saving me from what is more and more becoming just the opposite.' - Keith Andrews 'I have used Moneydance for over two years and I can't imagine handling our finances without it. The ability to look at our complete financial status in one window is awesome. Having reminders so that one never pays bills late is worth its price in gold.

Investors will appreciate the way Moneydance handles transaction costs, reinvestments and stock price tracking. Being able to create budgets, reports, predict balances, track exchange rates and all other types of details separates Moneydance from other programs. This app really makes my life easier by saving me time and stress, and when it comes to money, that's a very good thing.

I highly recommend Moneydance.' 'Your program is very easy to learn. The layout is very calm. It is amazing how nice a personal finance program can look without all the infomercials littering it!' - Ben DeBiase 'This is a really great product. Its been completely stable and absolutely intuitive once I got past my own idiocy.

Its by far the best Mac finance package I've seen and infinitely better than all of the recent product I've seen from Intuit and Microsoft on the PC side. Thanks so much for making it such a great program; you saved me in my migration from the PC to Mac!' - Mark Slater 'Thank you for making a clean looking, simple interface to manage my finances and balance my checking account. Quicken has grown so bloated - Moneydance is the graceful, simple interface I fell in love with when Quicken first came out for DOS.


I think by allowing others to develop extensions to Moneydance you'll guarantee that this simple and clean, easy-to-navigate interface will stay around while more powerful features that others might need can be added via extensions. Awesome work!' - Daniel Juarez 'It was a pleasure to move everything over to Moneydance. The s/w is very intuitive, and has all of the basic features needed for personal finance.

I am looking forward to see what you have up your sleeve for future releases!' - Keith Koetter 'I used Quicken since Day 1 and dropped it for Money when producing an annual 'update' obviously became more important than debugging.

Leaving WXP for OSX, I looked at several replacements for Money and your's is very much the best.' - Ed Campbell, Santa Fe, NM USA 'Thank you for producing such a quality piece of software - especially for Linux.

There are very few (if any) quality finance applications for Linux and I have found yours to be outstanding!' - Ryan Marsh.